Braise, Stew, Casserole Pork

Braised and stewed pork recipes can transform tougher cuts of meat into tender, flavorful dishes. These methods all involve cooking pork in a flavourful liquid over a longer time, allowing the meat to absorb rich flavours while breaking down into a tender and juicy texture.

Braising typically uses larger, whole cuts and less liquid than the other methods, creating a thick, savoury sauce. Whereas stewing involves diced or cubed pieces of pork fully submerged in liquid, resulting in a hearty, flavourful broth. These dishes are staples in various cuisines, from Chinese red-braised pork to classic French pork stew, offering comfort perfect for any season.

These methods are perfect for value priced cuts, and for an extra kick you can brown the meat in a pan prior to the slow cooking.

If a rich, slow cooked pork dish is what you’re searching for, browse our collection of recipes below.