In October 2023, Linley Valley Pork gathered at Parliament House Perth to celebrate a significant milestone, the 15th anniversary of Buy West Eat Best – the acclaimed Western Australian program that has left an indelible mark on our state’s food and beverage industry. At this event, we were proud to stand alongside colleagues, stakeholders, government representatives, and, most importantly, the Buy West Eat Best team.

Buy West Eat Best Bite Mark Logo

Founded in 2005, this program was born out of a petition that called for genuine state-of-origin food labeling in Western Australia. At that time, there was a need for a trusted symbol that assured consumers they were buying products grown or made right here in our state. In 2008, with just 38 pioneering members, Buy West Eat Best embarked on a journey that would redefine the way West Australians view local produce. Today, the program boasts over 240 members, and it is heartening to see the level of trust and faith that the Western Australian public has placed in this iconic brand.

With almost 90% of Western Australians trusting the Buy West Eat Best logo, it’s clear that this initiative has become integral to our local economy. More than 90% of grocery shoppers in our state believe it is essential for stores to promote the Buy West Eat Best logo. But what makes this logo so special is not just its recognition but the rigorous criteria it represents. To display the bitemark, the licensee must meet stringent standards.

1. Fresh Produce: Must be 100% grown, fished, or farmed in Western Australia.

2. Grocery Items: Must feature main ingredients grown, fished, or farmed in Western Australia and must be processed and transformed in our state.

3. Restaurants: Must commit to using a minimum of 70% local ingredients on their menus.

This means that when consumers purchase products bearing the bitemark or dine at a restaurant displaying it, they are genuinely supporting local businesses. This support is not only integral to the sustainability of our local food and drink industry but also crucial for the future of all Western Australians.

The Hon Jackie Jarvis MLC Minister for Agriculture and Food, Forestry, and Small Business

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of food sustainability and strong, local supply chains has never been clearer. Buy West Eat Best helps Western Australian producers stand out on supermarket shelves and makes it easier for consumers to make choices that support local.

As members, we take pride in our involvement with this program. The bitemark on our products signifies quality, freshness, and a commitment to the local community. It assures our customers that they are enjoying the finest Western Australian produce.

The Hon Don Punch MLA, Peter Spackman General Manager of Linley Valley Pork and The Hon Jackie Jarvis MLC

As we reflect on 15 years of Buy West Eat Best, we want to commend the program for its dedication and impact. It’s administered by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, supported by industry, and championed by businesses like ours. Most importantly, it is upheld in high regard by the Western Australian public – your support of the bitemark ensures that we continue to grow for the next 15 years and beyond.

Let’s continue to celebrate and support Buy West Eat Best, our great state, and local producers. Here’s to the next 15 years and beyond, filled with delicious, locally sourced products, and a flourishing food and beverage community!