Raised, processed, and prepared for you, right here in Western Australia.

Linley Valley Pork has been raising pigs in Western Australia for over 30 years. Every day our farms breed and raise quality stock to process and supply the finest and freshest quality pork to selected butchers and retailers. Our pigs are raised in a clean, natural environment, with the highest standard of animal welfare.


Our farms span the Western Australian landscape, spanning a distance from north of Perth, to east near Cunderdin, all the way south to Albany.

Our dedicated farmers have a passion for what they do, and genuinely care about the animals and the environment in which they are raised. Our stock people are skilled and our farms use a range of technologies to closely monitor our animals and ensure their needs are met and animal welfare standards are high.


Our free-range farms are located in one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world, the Porongurups, in the Great Southern Region of Western Australia.

These ancient granite rocks rear up out of Karri forests to dominate the landscape, and in the pasturelands below we raise our free-range pigs.

This region produces the highest amount of free range pigs in Australia as the weather tends to be milder – ideal for our sows.

Happy and free to roam, our free-range pigs are nurtured outdoors in a pure, unspoilt landscape, cared for by our dedicated farmers. raising pigs for over 30 years.


The pigs across all of our farms are fed a diet designed to meet their energy, vitamin and mineral requirements, keeping them healthy and flourishing. Their diets are primarily based on wheat, barley and lupins. The use of lupins as a protein and fibre source is uniquely WA as they are a commonly grown crop enabling local sourcing. In fact, the majority of all cereal grains in our pigs diet are sourced from Western Australia.

As our pigs grow or go through changes in their reproduction cycle their diets are adjusted at critical stages to meet their changing nutritional requirements. Their diets, and all changes, are formulated by a specialist pig nutritionist that makes sure the pigs requirements are met and that they’re happy and fed, while also ticking high standards of quality and safety.

LVP Porongurups Farm